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Coming to a Unit Near You

by Richard White II August 29, 2018

Did you know that we make School, Unit, Troop, Pack, House, Parking Lot, Office calls in the Washington DC, Baltimore, and even Richmond areas?

A question we receive a lot is "can HMWOutdoors come to our meeting"? I'm happy to say the answer is YES. If you're in Washington, DC, Baltimore, MD and even Richmond, VA areas, we want to come and see you. We want you to kick the proverbial tires of your new Youth Adventure Kits. The HMWOutdoors Youth Adventure Kit includes everything your adventurer needs whether you have Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Ventures, Students, sons, daughters, any youth.

Did you know:

  • *90% of parents are intimidated when going into national outdoor equipment stores
  • *75% of scouts are unprepared when attending their first 5 camping trips
  • *85% of parents are unsure if their student has what they need when going on an overnight camping trip
  • *75% of scout leaders want their scouts to be more prepared
  • *45% of scouts show up at their first campouts with a cotton sleeping bag
  • *65% of scouts show up for campout without the necessary Essentials
  • *88% of scouts do not have a proper first aid kit
  • *57% of scouts with a first aid kit struggle to use it properly

**99% of parents purchasing gear from National Outdoor Retailers are overpaying by as much as $400 when outfitting their student for outdoor adventure activities.**

Even though the statistic is made up our mission is real. The Youth Adventure Kit addresses concerns from parents, scout leaders, and teachers to ensure they are prepared with everything they need.

We welcome the opportunity to come and visit with you. Check out the rest of our site.

Call, text, email, smoke signals, flags, just reach out and we will there.

You can call us @ 301 dash 830 dash 8753. We look forward to helping your youth get out there.

* This statistic is totally made up.
** This is totally TRUE.

Till we see each other through the smoke of the campfire.

Richard White II
Richard White II


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